Creating a brand that reflects the diverse, strong and talented players of the Auld Reekie Roller Derby.
Project Overview
Team Design and Marketing Team, Auld Reekie Roller Derby
Role Lead Designer
Process Values workshop, concept iterations, brand guideline definition
Tools Sketch, Illustrator, Keynote
Project Duration 6 months
Create a brand that reflects the strong ARRD mission statement -
‘To be a dynamic community that is supportive and inclusive in a competitive environment, in which skaters, officials and non-skating members can be the best they can be.’
Read more about how the project unfolded here
“Now we have a look and branding that represents the professionalism and fun we live on a daily basis as a league. It represents us, and the element of fun which is vital to keep our motivation high. It’s a strong and professional branding. It’s revolutionising our approach to our image and the message we send out to potential team members, officials and audience. It’s fit for purpose in terms of bringing us together as one unit ready to take on the world.”